Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Better Food for Better Skin

Better Food for Better Skin

Experts say that food is the key to his treatment of skin diseases.

Up to 90 percent of Australians - or 18 million people - suffer from skin disease at some point in their lives, including acne, eczema, psoriasis and skin cancer, according to figures from the Australian university of Dermatologists. Almost one quarter of children suffer from eczema, versus 10 percent a decade ago and more than 85 percent of acne. Although most of the buttons disappear after adolescence, up to 20 percent of adults to be involved.

No wonder that the market for medical skin care has experienced unprecedented growth, but some doctors believe that our body is more important to cover your skin with expensive treatments. Nutritionist and author Patrick Holford says: "The skin, because it is internal and, therefore, an important barometer of health for the body's systems working optimally is crucial to solving the problems is the food of the skin is an essential nutrient,. . fuel your body, limiting those who do not have all the important nutritional value of food. "

Many skin diseases are a reflection of a hormonal imbalance and the inability of nutrients and disposal of by-products of digestion to absorb. Helen Sher Sher founder of natural skin care, said: "Most of our customers is to eliminate classes of antibiotics to prevent stains and rosacea, but no long-term solution." He points out that antibiotics kill the good and bad bacteria in the digestive tract and the immune system can cause injury.

In the case of rosacea (an inflammatory disease that affects 45 million people around the world, whose face is red and itchly) There is evidence that many victims of the stomach and digestion is enough food produced The most important factor is incomplete.

If the skin disease is an imbalance in expression and body, try to creams, gels, and the correct application of a hot towel tip of the iceberg. Robin explains why it is important to look at the whole body:

"The elimination of epidemics may [issue] is the internal development of cause of serious allegations. In general, this syndrome is seen in eczema / asthma."

According to Michael Franklin, founder of the British Allergy and Nutrition Centre, food allergies play an important role in many diseases of the skin. "Psoriasis is usually extremely difficult to treat when there are more patients and physicians understand the relationship of the toxicity of the intestines, cause fewer problems. Liver taxes is an important part of treatment. With rosacea, the lack of B vitamins play a role. "

"As with acne, there is no evidence that foods with high glycemic index [which measures the effect of carbohydrates into glucose in the blood] can aggravate some people."

What to avoid

Dr. Jonathan Wikini, National Rosacea Society of Great Britain, said that food can trigger asthma attacks are liver, yogurt, cheese (except cottage cheese), chocolate, vanilla, vinegar, spices, coffee or tea.

Documented more reactive food with milk eczema, eggs, peanuts, soybeans, wheat, seafood and fruits are seedless. Nutrition expert, Patrick Holford suggests that skin diseases take a picture of sugary foods, refined carbohydrates (white bread) and fried to control everything.

What to eat

The skin is the last place to serve food after the rest of the body is the key to getting enough of what we know, healthy skin and are regenerated.

Adequate fluid intake is important for health care. Helen Sher recommends drinking six or seven glasses of water a day. Vitamins C and E are important for skin health - in particular antioxidants - fruits and vegetables in a diet mainly of red grapes and blueberries. Apricots, oranges, peppers, carrots, strawberries and broccoli are rich in carotenoids that the body converts into vitamin

Nutritionist and author Michael van strategy, said: "Carrot juice is rich in beta carotene, fresh every day, if possible, drink does wonders for the skin and is a powerful antioxidant."

The naturopathic nutritionist Charlotte Fraser suggests increasing your intake of essential fatty acids to help treat dry skin conditions and acne. Eczema and psoriasis benefit from anti-inflammatory effects of omega-3 fatty acids in fish.

Evening primrose oil is a source of gamma-linolenic acid, which promotes healthy skin, hair and nails.

B vitamins are very important, the skin is biotin, which is found in bananas, eggs and rice. Zinc deficiency may be a factor in psoriasis and acne. Znic Good sources include sesame seeds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

Better Food for Better Skin

Better Food for Better Skin

Natural Tips for Sunburned Skin

Natural Tips for Sunburned Skin

If you leave a little tan for hours, you can feel the sting of sunburn. Not only is it a burning pain is probably not the appearance of the lobster, get the look you want. You can not have a sunburn during the night, but there are some things that prevent the skin from sunburn.

Aloe Cure

Aloe helps stimulate the skin to heal and renew. And 'ideal for use as a sunburn. You can aloe vera gel is a pharmacy and buy a spread on the skin as often as necessary. Or, if you can remove the aloe gel directly to the leaves and rub the affected areas. Aloe soothes burns, stings, to promote and accelerate healing.

Home Remedies for Pain

Although home remedies to get rid of burning is not magic, it can alleviate the pain. Apply a compress of cold milk in the field of heartburn. Soak paper towels and keep milk in the areas of burns. Or Fill the tub with cold water and add a couple of cups of vinegar to a bath, which is a relief. Other home remedies to relieve the pain of sunburn is yogurt and honey rub the surface, full of enthusiasm for the application of lavender oil to bath with cold water and a cup of a mixture of cornstarch wet.

Things to avoid

It helps to improve the returns more quickly and stay as comfortable clothes, and in spring, which allows the skin to breathe. The last thing I want to do is dressed in spandex pants with leg burns in the background. This can irritate the area and exacerbate the pain. If blistering or peeling of the soles of the feet. It can be tempting, blistering or peeling, without it, but it makes you an infection, and, of course, you can learn to improve their teaching for the first time, but at least it will be burned. Otherwise, they end up even worse.


Sunburn is painful and home remedies and avoid triggers of pain, be aware of your body to stay healthy, and signs of fatigue can be smoked. First, stay hydrated. Change the water frequently to eat every day, what the body loses through sweat, I'm going to do much if you have a sunburn, and if you notice signs of infection such as pus or blood blisters and oozing irritation caused by the burning of more than consult your doctor immediately. Ask your doctor, even if the fire is not just a few days or for fever or pain relief.

Natural Tips for Sunburned Skin

Thursday, September 15, 2011

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