Thursday, February 7, 2019

Tesla Leaks Info About New Self-Driving Software

The electric car company Tesla accidentally leaked its Autopilot Hardware 3, which is as they claim, the most advanced device for autonomous driving.

The info was released within a software update, meaning it's likely being implemented in a slow fashion and ultimately being tested behind the scenes with the current software features, to see how it all functions together. If this is happening over at Tesla, then it's a good thing and shows that they're planning for the eventual release of it. In fact, the Hardware 3 computer is said to be coming to the production line in the first half of 2019.

Currently, the Autopilot software functions on Nvidia GPUs (Graphics Processing Unit). Essentially, it uses a computer component to process what's going on around it. According to Electrek, the company's CEO, Elon Musk, claims that it can process 200 frames per second, but the Hardware 3 computer is apparently going to be able to run at 2,000 frames per second. On top of that, the Hardware 3 is said to be able to run a neural net, which is basically a computing system that's similar to the biological neural networks with the brain of an animal.

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